I love to do research; to read, to watch documentaries and to talk about those subjects. I actually just love to acquire knowledge, but my problem is storing the information that is gained. I noticed that I had troubles with this when I studied in high ...
This whole project started with me having several ideas. Actually I always have different ideas flying and flapping around in my mind. But I can have a hard time in disciplining myself to keep on investing enough time to actually pursue those ideas long ...
With these weekly posts, I want to give an insight of what I am doing in this quest supported by Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie. To portray an image in which directions the research is getting it’s shape. And to share sources where I dive into, from which ...
It has been 2 months since I heard that I received the subsidy of Urban Arts Talent Trajectory of Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie. This subsidy gives me the support to develop myself further in this art that I hold dearly. From now on I want to try to give ...